Audio Readings October 19, 2011 29th Week in Ordinary Time

Romans 6:12-18; Psalm 124:1-8;Luke 12:39-48

“You also must be prepared.” (Luke 12:40)

Many of us think of this parable in terms of the word “final.” We picture the final hour when Jesus will come back to judge the world. Once that hour comes, we’ll have no more time to get ready. Or we imagine him coming in our final hour, when we will give him an account of our lives. It’s rather sobering to realize that there will be a time when we will stand before the Lord, warts and all, and endure his piercing gaze. How can we ever prepare for such a day?

The answer is that Jesus himself prepares us, by coming to us over and over again during our lives. Think of the many unexpected events, good and bad, that can happen to you: You rush to the hospital because your wife is ready to deliver your first child. You get a call in the middle of the night because a loved one is dying. You get a promotion out of nowhere—or you are told to clean out your desk. In all of these situations, Jesus is with you, saying: “Here I am. Are you ready for me?”

To get ready for Jesus’ return means to welcome him into our hearts at every opportunity. It means looking at every situation through the eyes of faith, trying our best to find Jesus’ presence and his will. It means assessing every circumstance in our lives according to the commands and promises of the gospel. In short, it means living with our eyes fixed on heaven as we go about our lives here on earth.

God wants to open your eyes today. He wants to give you a heavenly perspective. Let him expand your vision so that you can see his hand in every situation, and so that you can surrender your life to him more fully. Take a few moments right now, and ask the Holy Spirit to open heaven for you. That’s the best way to get ready for the final day when heaven comes to earth—and when we creatures of earth are lifted up to heaven.

“Lord, I want to be ready for your return. Help me to give up anything that is not of you. Make me a pure vessel so that I can live for your glory alone.”  ~WAU

About gemdk

I am a cradle Catholic who made my first Holy Communion over 5o years ago at All Saints Catholic Church in Houston,TX in 1961. Went to Mass every Sunday as a child and teen and then young adult. Fell away for about 12 years in the late 80's, early 90's and then realized what was missing in my life was my Catholic upbringing and faith. Found my home at Sacred Heart in Crosby. Filling up the void I had for those 12 years in more ways than I can imagine, loving every minute of it. But this blog is not about me as much as it is for me and anyone who wants/needs to hear the word of God. I'm merely the instrument God uses to post the readings.
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