Audio Readings July 7, 2011 14th Week in Ordinary Time

Genesis 44:18-21,23-29; 45:1-5;Psalm 105:16-21; Matthew 10:7-15

“Come closer to me… . I am your brother Joseph.” (Genesis 45:4)

Rejected by his brothers and sold into slavery in Egypt, Joseph rose to a high position in Egypt, where he eventually became a “savior” to the rest of his family. Joseph’s brothers tried their best to get rid of him, only to realize later that he was the one who rescued them from death. Joseph’s generous treatment of his brothers—to the point of saving them—foreshadows the way Jesus, our Brother, treats all of us.

If Jesus is like Joseph, it makes sense that there are ways that we act like Joseph’s brothers. Don’t we all try to “get rid of” Jesus at times? We hit points where we just want to do what we want to do, and we push Jesus aside so that we can do it. We shut him out of our lives, hoping to silence his voice and ignore the claim that he has on our lives.

And how does Jesus respond to such treatment? Like Joseph, he would be justified in being hurt, angry, or even vengeful. But he isn’t! Again like Joseph, he extends a hand of forgiveness and friendship once more, asking us to come closer to him.

Nowhere do we experience this mercy of God more powerfully than in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. As we confess our sins and failings to our Brother, he forgives us and restores us to life. It must have been so freeing in that moment when Joseph’s brothers realized that he had forgiven them and was willing to embrace them as his brothers once more. In a similar way, Jesus wants us to confess our own sins so that we can hear his invitation to “come closer” and embrace him. In Confession, the past doesn’t really matter all that much—just as it didn’t to Joseph. All that matters is this present moment of grace, this moment when we can come to Jesus.

So what are you waiting for? Don’t be held captive a moment longer by guilt or shame. Be reconciled with your Brother Jesus today, so that you can come to him.

“Jesus, I stand in awe of your mercy. As Joseph forgave his brothers, I know that you will forgive me. Thank you for being my brother and for inviting me to come closer to your heart.” ~wau



About gemdk

I am a cradle Catholic who made my first Holy Communion over 5o years ago at All Saints Catholic Church in Houston,TX in 1961. Went to Mass every Sunday as a child and teen and then young adult. Fell away for about 12 years in the late 80's, early 90's and then realized what was missing in my life was my Catholic upbringing and faith. Found my home at Sacred Heart in Crosby. Filling up the void I had for those 12 years in more ways than I can imagine, loving every minute of it. But this blog is not about me as much as it is for me and anyone who wants/needs to hear the word of God. I'm merely the instrument God uses to post the readings.
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